NTL TAXI any time, anywhere with lowest tariff.
NTL TAXI is the brilliant way to book a taxi in India. The reason being brilliant is we are the taxi company in India and not just an aggregator.
NTL TAXI provides best in class travel and safe journey. NTL TAXI app is fully free and can book a cab any time and 24/7 support desk is available.
We operate in 11 cities of south India Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Hosur, etc. Planning to expand to Bangalore & Delhi in upcoming month.
NTL TAXI is economical and ensures passengers comfort. You can book a taxi in a click.
We have cars ranging from Indica to BMW driven by well trained professional drivers.
We have an option of booking later as well. We do have a dedicated team to track the airport/railway transfers.
Once booked taxi, you can track the assigned cab on live on map which ensures tension free tracking of cab. You can click the driver directly from the apps.
Surprisingly you can also have a free ride!!! Yes, just share ntl with your friends and get Rs 300 NTL Money on their first ride.
Advantages of Using the App:
• One click booking.
• Professional drivers.
• Economical rates.
• Dedicated support for airport transfers.
• Variety of cabs to choose.
• Share with your friend and get NTL Money.
• On line tracking.
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